Thursday, March 01, 2007

Black Harvest by Josh Howard

I found Black Harvest accidentally. I had heard of Dead at 17, but I hadn’t read any of them before, and when I saw this on the rack at Titan it looked cool so I snatched it up. I wasn’t disappointed, and now I have the husband looking for all of his Dead at 17 issues in his long boxes so I can catch up on all of Josh Howard’s work.

Black Harvest takes place in Jericho, Texas, where the yearly Jericho Lights bring out the alien watchers and tourists to stare at the skies. This year, Internet blogger Daniel Webster has come out to see the Lights and see if he can find out their cause, but instead he finds Zaya Vahn, a girl who vanished mysteriously 3 years before. The people of Jericho think maybe Daniel had something to do with it, and he is strangely drawn to Zaya on his own. Something’s afoot in Jericho, and Zaya has come back to make things right, with Repent etched into her skin and vengeance in her heart.

I loved this graphic novel. I know I can’t marry it, since I am marrying Snakes on a Plane already, but I would at least date it regularly. I like Josh Howard’s art style, and I love the fact that he’s a Texas guy who writes about Texas without making us look like freaks. If you like tough chick comics with a weird supernatural slant, pick up Black Harvest and give it a try.

Rating: 5 Purrs for hot Texas chicks in comics and the Marfa lights

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