Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street (remake)

The original Nightmare on Elm Street scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it. Freddy Krueger was terrifying. The idea of being attacked in your dreams, unable to wake up, unable to fall asleep because you might die. Yikes. The remake doesn't change much of that formula, which was nice, but it changed enough that it wasn't a complete retread.

Things I liked:
  • I jumped several times in my seat. Sure it might have been because of the loud Boo! music, but I jumped.
  • Kellen Lutz! The opening scenes with him are tense.
  • They didn't puss out with Kreuger. I thought they were going to, but they didn't. If they had, I would have not liked this movie at all.
  • Jackie Earle Haley. Wow. While he was pretty much replaying Rorschach, he does it well. Creepy.
  • There were plenty of homages to the original, but not complete re-dos.

Things I didn't like:
  • Why oh why don't they use real special effects any more? Why do movie makers these days feel so compelled to CGI the shit out of everything? I want real fake blood people. Not CGI blood. It never looks real.
  • Why oh why does Nancy have to be emo chick? Why can't she be the sweet, scrubbed up teen like the first one?
  • I hated her little booties she wore. Ugh. I know, I know. A shoe complaint in a horror movie. I'm a girl. Sue me.
  • No Johnny Depp death scene. Not even close. Dang it.
Overall, it was a decent remake. You can't recreate the atmosphere of the original, no matter how hard you try, but these guys did a decent job of remaking Texas Chainsaw Massacre and they did a decent job this time. I would of paid full price for this one, but I am a bit of a horror junkie, as you know.

Rating: 4 Purrs

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