Friday, November 12, 2010

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

Oh Jasper Fforde, how I love your books. You have had me since The Eyre Affair, and I continue to devour any of your new books as quickly as you can write them. (I mean, Richard III as a rocky horror type event? It's a lit geek's dream come true.) Your stories are always so fun and imaginative; they truly are like dream exploded in my head.

Shades of Grey does not disappoint. Eddie Russett lives in a world where what color you see designates your place in society. Eddie's a Red, and a middling Red at that. He's sent to the Outskirts to take a chair census as a sort of punishment, and while there becomes enamored with a Grey named Jane (Greys see no color.) Poor Eddie soon gets over his head when he starts questioning why things are the way they are. Why is it no one sees in the dark? What really happened Before?

It's a fun start to a new trilogy,and if you like the idea of a Wizard of Oz type world fused with our own, then you should check it out.

Rating: 4.5 Purrs. It's not quite The Eyre Affair, but it's a very fun read.

- Posted using BlogPress from Bruce

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