Sunday, February 27, 2011


For some reason I am a true sucker. Ages ago, everyone talked about The Sixth Sense. They talked about how original it was & the twist. I figured the damn thing out in about 5 minutes. Ever since then, I continue to try M. Night Shalamalan movies, in hopes that one day he will actually live up to some of the style and imagery you occasionally get glimpses of.

So once again I took a chance. (This is even after I watched The Happening. If you need to take a guess at how much I didn't like that one, well...take a look here.) We rented Devil- a "supernatural story set in the modern world." Five strangers walk into an elevator after another man jumps off the 32nd story of the same building. One by one they are attacked. Who or what is doing it? According to the security guard (whose grandmother just happened to tell him a conveniently related folk tale), it's...The DEVIL!

Is he right? Or is it an elaborate plan of one of the strangers to murder a particular target? It's up to the cop with a past to figure out.

Of course there is a twist. But really, I jumped several times, and the opening credits are quite disconcerting. Overall, I'd say it wasn't a bad Friday night rental, but I would never watch it again.

Rating: 3 1/2 Purrs for not restoring my faith as much as just being better than The Happening, Signs, and so many of his others.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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